Inspiring parents to be their child's best teacher

Our Mission

Mission Statement and Goals
Our mission is to prepare and encourage our students to become self-directed, lifelong learners, grounded in a Christian world-view, to become productive members of the 21st century, who love God and love one another.
To accomplish our mission, our goals are to:
Teach in a way that is grounded in Scripture, informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in experience, and tested by reason and discernment
Teach skills necessary for successful self-efficacy
Develop mastery of skills in general education
Inspire a love of literacy, math, fine arts, and the sciences
Promote critical thinking and problem solving
Encourage strong socioemotional, interpersonal skills through Christian character development

Our Philosophy

We believe Hope Homeschool Academy exists to help students by preparing them to be discerning citizens with a love of God and a Christian world view. To achieve this, we believe individualized education with a balance of teacher-led and student-paced curriculum helps our students achieve educational and developmental success.
Finally, we believe that when these principles are combined in a collaborative environment of home and a non-denominational, Christ-centered school, students will develop to their fullest intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual potential, and allow them to become productive members of 21st century society.
In order to establish clarity in our philosophy and clarity in the culture of Hope Homeschool Academy, we define the following terms as part of our language and philosophy:
Hybrid Homeschool: Any educational experience wherein part of the work is done with students’ parents, at home, and in which parents are the final authority on each major educational decision.
Academy: A formal, structured environment of study and learning.
Christian: Individuals whose primary expression of faith is their belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of humanity.
Nondenominational: an adjective, describing a group of people who represent a number of different Christian churches or denominations, and respect the unique perspectives that make the whole better than the sum of its parts.
In the context of these definitions, Hope Homeschool Academy clarifies its role as a new, Hybrid Homeschool Academy in Springfield, MO.
Statement of Faith

Christian Education
As a private, non-denominational Christian school, our goal is to provide an education in a safe, loving environment where parents, students, and educators can relate to one another based on their shared love of God, while respecting the different denominational values of each individual.
Therefore, all students, parents, guardians, and staff of members of Hope Homeschool Academy agree to accept the basic tenents of the statement of faith and Christian creeds identified by the C.S. Lewis Foundation, which identifies basic tenets of Christianity without identifying with a particular denominational doctrine. The complete statement of faith and Christian creeds can be accessed by clicking on the icon below: