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Levels K-4


  • Maximum class size: 8-12

  • Curriculum & Core Subjects: Bible, The Good and the Beautiful Phonics, Language Arts, & Math

  • Supplemental Science & History Lessons


Since Kindergarten and 1st grade students are just learning the reading, writing, and arithmetic skills they will need to prepare them for their educational future, we use The Good and the Beautiful curriculum to provide a strong foundation. In levels 3-4, students will begin to transition to the self-paced curriculum in History and Science. Teachers will conduct daily lessons at school, and collaborate with parents in keeping a reasonable pace at home. Apart from daily lessons, K-4 students will participate with the ‘big kids’ during chapel, snack, lunch, and recess, providing them with a well-rounded, safe, Christian social environment in which to develop.

At HHA, we believe individualized education with a student-paced curriculum helps our students achieve our mission and goals. Outside of our Bible class, the curriculum listed below are recommended, but if parents prefer an alternative, we are happy to work with families to support their chosen curriculum.

Levels 5-8
  • Maximum class size: 12-15

  • Curriculum & Core Subjects: AOP Ignitia

  • Enrichment: Chapel, Group Time (Lessons in Technology, Music, Art, PE & Character Development; supplemental group activities in Core Subjects and electives such as Speech, Technology, and Literature)


Upon acceptance to Hope, students will participate in placement testing, most of which is done at home, with parents. This testing identifies which level(s) students are placed in each subject, so that he or she can work at their own pace. In levels 5-12, we primarily use an online, self-paced curriculum for private schools: Ignitia, from Alpha Omega Publications. Students go through digital lessons that teach new concepts, and then complete activities to apply what they’ve learned. This allows students to work at an individual pace, while learning how to be self-sufficient learners. One of our jobs as teachers is to teach students the skills of self-sufficient learning required for this format, and for many other learning endeavors throughout their lives.


Hope Homeschool Academy is a private, Christian school where students of all denominations, ethnic backgrounds, and achievement levels attend school two days a week (M/W) and are home schooled three days a week (T, Th, F). Our teachers are highly qualified professional educators, with experience in homeschooling, as well as gifted and special education.


Hope offers parents the opportunity to home school their children, yet also have them in a safe, Christian classroom environment part-time; giving parents flexibility and students experiences that can only be found in a group setting. What makes HHA unique is its commitment to partnering with parents to tailor instruction to the unique needs of each student’s individual circumstances and educational goals. Rather than speaking in terms of chronological grades (which we do use to help group students in classrooms with other students by developmental levels), we speak in terms of the levels of each individual subject.

Levels 9-12
  • Maximum class size: 12-15

  • Curriculum & Core Subjects: AOP Ignitia

  • Enrichment: Chapel, Group Time (Lessons in Technology, Music, Art, PE & Character Development; supplemental group activities in Core Subjects and electives such as Speech and Foreign Language)


Following enrollment, high school students and parents will meet with the director to create an academic plan that accomplishes the requirements for graduation. By following this plan, pending any elective changes, your student would then be on track to graduate with an accredited high school diploma. We anticipate receiving our accreditation with the National Association of Private Schools (NAPS) in the near future, which will be applied retroactively to qualifying students.

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